How to use this resource

Navigation, or finding your way around We are using a blogging technology here in an unusual method. The usual practice is for keen followers of the blog to be interested in the latest additions; we are asking you to start from the beginning and work your way through, giving each artist equal respect of attention. We have uploaded each submission in order of entry and so there are more than 70 artists figured here. Blogspot (the system you are on right now) will default to showing you the most recent entries. For the current submission there is probably more to read so look for "READ MORE" At the bottom of the page, look for "OLDER POSTS","NEWER POSTS" to run through the chronological sequence; and, "MORE POSTS" which will take you to the previous 6 or 7 submissions. Another wrinkle is that last month's submissions are hidden further away. At the top look for the ☰ and click through to find "Archive" Use the down arrow to look a...