Cherry Adam

Kikna is a word in Old Icelandic that meant to bend at the knees. The word passed through kinke (German) to kink (Dutch)* In the mid-20th century, “kink” took on a new meaning:

“A sexually abnormal person; one who practices sexual perversions; loosely, an eccentric, a person wearing noticeably unusual clothes, behaving in a startling manner, etc.”

The term “Kink” encompasses sexual and non-sexual practices that have been historically stigmatized by being considered “abnormal” or “unusual.”

Kink is a way for people to embrace vulnerability, develop intimate bonds with others, and learn to communicate and negotiate varied sexual preferences in a non-judgmental way. Kikna embraces and speaks into this reality, using her body, while playing with the different roles in it.


  1. Strong image. I like the phrase "behaving in a startling manner, etc." I think everyone needs a bit of startling.

  2. esther It is an important theme you are working with. will be helpful to educate people and get them thinking and maybe experiencing more joy through embracing deeper connection and feelings of safety.


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