Sarah Grounds

 SG is a visual artist specialising in areas of photography and performance.

Her work is a mix of self-documentation and candid documentary work of life living on an eco-farm in South West Wales. She subtly explores the politics of modern society and her own feelings about being a woman.

​SG uses many experimental techniques, exploring paint, movement, sound, digital photography and performance. The resulting work is an eclectic mix of video, still image and installation, interlinking through themes of politics, community and personal honesty.

​Forming a bridge between photography and fine art painting, SG pushes the boundaries of documentary photography, viewing her self-portraiture work as the ultimate form of documentation. She shares her intimate reactions to the World around her. Creating a body of work that is raw, real and completely relatable.


  1. I always love the concept of blurring the lines between art making, I’ve often looked into it with my own work. Have you looked into Carolee Schneemann and how she discusses the relationship to performance and painting, I think you might be interested in this


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