Anum Farooq

 Since I was a little girl, I've been on a quest, and even began to write a book of poems titled Anthology of the Searcher, no one has ever read the full poems and I hope to handwrite them all in a calligraphic manner.

I keep searching whether by reading ancient Chinese philosophy, psalms of David, Stories of the Prophets, the respected and esteemed Holy Books or learning about previous eras and civilisations.

I began to work on the initial art open call for Compassionate Women: Kindness in Action, borne out of really searching for positive meaning and authentic humane and cultural examples of kindness to uplift the isolation of Covid-19 era, to show raw examples of kindness in places we wouldn't imagine, and which received a global response.

There were a few wonderful female artists who reached out as gifted healers, and their experiences of kindness. This really made me wonder how strong are premonitions and true dreams? What if instinctively we can know some things before they are about to occur?
However what I truly find fascinating is thinking about all those footsteps, through ancient millenia whose paths we walk on. The cycle of human life and it's eventual release into another world. I suppose that's another exploration.


  1. I think I am realizing that although I can be quite idealistic and philosophical at times, by continuing exploring and trying my best, even in the ordinary every day moments, it really does make a difference. I am realizing that sometimes the ordinary can be the most remarkable and even if we take little steps, it can lead to an odyssey of miracles.

  2. Kristen ElizabethMay 9, 2023 at 3:59 PM

    I think it is important as we look deeper into various philosophical ideas and methodologies that many of these are centralized around the ordinary and at times the mundane - with many a great thought springing up from nothingness and boredom.

    More fundamental than that though is something important you mentioned above - kindness and the root of it. Many philosophies, religions, and belief systems seek to structure and find reason for acts or kindness - some positive and some negative in their reflection on the self. I think the only valid thing is kindness continuing to appears over the course of human history.

  3. I cheer you on in your quest! I love that your contribution is not about you or your performance, but about where you are trying to reach.


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