"Self-portrait" by Sylvia Plath [1962]


I am a painter of souls, Not bodies. I paint the soul's Unseen landscapes, Its secret gardens, Its hidden paths.

I paint the soul's Hidden face, Its mask of pain, Its mask of joy.

I paint the soul's Invisible wounds, Its scars of love, Its scars of loss.

I paint the soul's Invisible wings, Its wings of hope, Its wings of dream.

I am a painter of souls, Not bodies. I paint the soul's Unseen beauty, Its hidden truth.

published in Ariel Poems, 1962


  1. Sylvia Plath is my favourite poet. I was falling asleep listening to some of her readings last night. "Lady Lazarus", "Daddy" and "Mad Girls Love Song" are some recommendations for anyone who would love to read more. I picked up an annotated version of Ariel in Waterstones. Highly recommend. This poem puts the role of an artist into words so beautifully.

  2. I relate to this working method , seeing beyond the visible , reaching behind the barriers. I would like to think of a photography of ideas, more than photographs of commodity&product.


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