Alegria Repila Smith

The artist flaunts danger by haunting the Moor at night. Recording a kind of spatial bogeyman that frightens residents by playing daredevil, becoming bait to coax it out, she also plays at embodying this fear herself. Disturbing shallow gendered understandings of urban violence and our deep-seated fear of humanity’s shadow, the artist becomes a shape-shifter. Every self-portrait is a performance and every performance a self-portrait.


  1. I really like the idea and the result. We can feel the amount of work behind and in front of the camera.

  2. The spectral quality of these performance records is really captivating. Reminds me of the spirit photography craze in the 1800s.

  3. Great image - layering your self onto landscapes and playing with charcters and personas is potentially a powerful way to imagine yourself (and project yourself into) these places. Like a ghost.


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