Mila Romans

 As a Ukrainian-British multidisciplinary artist, designer, and photographer, I am keenly interested in art therapy, somatic and transdisciplinary approaches, and neuroaesthetics. I am delighted to submit my work for consideration, as exploring the intersection of performance to the camera and photographic self-portraiture is close to my heart.

Throughout my 25 years of artistic practice, I have used photographs of my body and hand gestures as photo references and participated in performances to communicate my inner feelings and reflect on the topic. I had been involved in Contact improvisation and Five Rhythms groups and workshops and ran authentic movement classes. These experiences let me explore the link between body awareness and psychological experiences and explore the human condition, liminality, identity and perception. After experiencing traumatic events, this exploration became even more relevant to me as it led to physical symptoms.

During the war in my homeland, Ukraine, I delved further into the "dance of darkness" - the Japanese dance of Butoh - and used it as a form of art therapy. I documented my introspective journal of emotions through videos and photographs, further inspiring my research. In short, I use my camera to interact with the world and explore my inner landscapes.


  1. Fascinating... I've always used dance to bring myself into a healing place but this goes miles beyond. Do you have any links we can experience more of your work?

  2. Alice Karveli also references butoh, you should compare notes -- you can use the search function at top of this page to search for butoh

  3. Hi Esther S. here. I have also used 5 Rhythms to work with trauma in my body and capture my embodied movement and experience. I would be interested to chat to you about our work .

  4. I really like the blue and momement effective

  5. It's very interesting how dance, music and rhythm effect us and we have to give up some control of ourself over to it because it seamlessly takes over, while at the same time it's a release of emotion. That is present in your work here.

  6. Thank you for your comments on this fascinating topic!. I haven't been able to comment anything- trying different browsers and devices

  7. Hi.Thanks,Yes! 5 Rhythms is a powerful bodily indicator where I am at that moment beyond my mind. Let connect @miro_pictorial

  8. An interesting description of the work and fascinating the artist's experience. But pictures in motion look all similar. Nothing takes me here.


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