Madeleina Kay

I am a visual and performance artist and activist. I have worked extensively with photographers during photoshoots both in studio and on-site contexts.

I am interested in how a still image can capture an impression of the ephemeral performance and immortalise the performer in time and space. As a digital communications expert, I am also fascinated by the online dissemination of photographs by audiences, and how this can amplify the message or ideas the performer was attempting to communicate to a wider audience than a live performance itself.


  1. The fact that this appears to be an image of a live performance in "real space" and is not digitally created is interesting given the current reality where "real" photographs are never really "real" depictions of "reality". The juxtaposition between your super-woman costume and the trump balloon are so darkly comedic.

  2. So much life going on in this picture. Its wonderful to see


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