Chris Freeman

 I work with many performers, be they artists, dancers or improv musicians, who all have their individual styles. As I work on an ongoing basis with each of the performers, our relationship and collaborative approach have developed, resulting in the development of the performance and the resulting images.

The image I have submitted is of Petra Haller, performing in a Morph suit as part of Gwen Kassenaar's improv painting performance at the Bloomsberry Arts Festival. During rehearsals, she used the shine from my balding head to give her a sense of where she was on the stage!


  1. A great image. I suspect this performance was deeply moving. Do you have a video link of the performance to see more? I love the idea of a white morph suit, it stripes away all sense of identity. I am also curious to know just how bright the light shines from your bald head haha

  2. I like your account of how your work and that of your collaborators develop and evolve over time. A sense of wheels all rolling along together, in and out of each others' paths.
    I guess that is also the idea behind this project that we are all working on together.

  3. I'm loving all the potential tension within the image. Its a fascinating caption of a performance.


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